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Improve your Fuel Mileage with these 5 Tips from Guardian Group

Improve your Fuel Mileage with these 5 Tips from Guardian Group

Fuel (gasoline and diesel) can be an expensive commodity, particularly for people who use their vehicles regularly. This is why it is important that you get the best return for your money and the highest mileage possible from every tankful of fuel that you purchase. It is with drivers in mind that we at Guardian Group put together these 5 Tips, on How to Improve your Fuel Mileage.

1. Drive slower! – Perhaps the easiest tip that you can find, drive slower! Fuel mileage is directly related to the speed you drive at, with fast drivers using more fuel and getting less mileage per tank. Every vehicle has a recommended cruising speed – this is the speed at which you get the most mileage for your fuel. You can therefore improve your fuel mileage by driving at the cruising speed, and not speeding unless absolutely necessary. Live safe, within the speed limit, and live smarter, by spending less on fuel.

2. Park in the shade – Your vehicle’s fuel can evaporate over time, and this effect is compounded when your vehicle is left in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. To limit this evaporation, and retain as much of your gasoline as possible, park in shaded areas whenever you can during the day.


3. Remove excess weight – Vehicles carrying extra weight can lead to poor mileage and fuel efficiency, resulting in quicker fuel consumption. To avoid this, keep your vehicle free of unnecessary weight, such as items that you do not need to transport, which may be stored in your trunk or under your seats.

Tip: Keep only the absolute essentials in your trunk at all times. These include a gas canister, gallon of water, jumper cables, tyre pump and a safety kit.


4. Use the recommended pressure for your tyres – Your tyres’ pressure directly affects your mileage, and tyres that are under-inflated can cause poor fuel mileage.

Tip: Check your tyre pressure each week and ensure that all tyres are always inflated to their recommended pressure.


5. Get regular vehicle maintenance – Poor fuel mileage can stem from engines that badly require maintenance. For example, dirty air filters can affect your

fuel efficiency, particularly in vehicles that are 10 years old or older. Not only are you getting less out of your fuel, but you also run the risk of further mechanical damage by not maintaining your vehicle.

Tip: Car maintenance should be done every 8,000 kms or 6 months, on average.

Thank you for joining us for this week’s article! We hope that these tips are useful to you in improving your fuel efficiency and getting more out of each tank of fuel you purchase. Please join us again for next week’s article and do have a safe and enjoyable weekend!

4 years ago